Hello! So, as many of my local friends and community members know, I've officially opened up my business "Evey's Creations", FB page and all! :) I will also have a webpage up and running shortly, where people will be able to place orders and see a gallery of all I've done! :) I am SOOOO incredibly happy and grateful for all the support my family, community and friends have given me! I'm also happy I have YOU guys who encourage me with your kinds words and comment love! :) You can "like" my Facebook page here!
Here's last week in pictures! I must tell you though, before the pictures, that we got hit with a HUGE snowstorm last weekend. Yes. A snowstorm. In October. Our township literally shut down for a week, including the schools. The kids were home until Friday, and some people are still without power, internet and phone, it has NOT been easy...So anyway, back to the pictures!
SNOW! Puppy's FIRST Snowfall! Pumpkin Pancakes (GF, will post recipe soon!), Halloween Bento!
We scrapbooked as a means of keeping happy and not killing one another, since we were cooped up for a whole week together! :)
We also watched way more T.V. than we EVER have, and Duke was not too happy about it. He wanted attention! Oh, and I filled an order, for this GF, Casein free (Vegan) cake. There was a lot of sleeping that went on last week as well, but alas, no pictures of that! haha
What did YOU do last week?
Linking to:

Here's last week in pictures! I must tell you though, before the pictures, that we got hit with a HUGE snowstorm last weekend. Yes. A snowstorm. In October. Our township literally shut down for a week, including the schools. The kids were home until Friday, and some people are still without power, internet and phone, it has NOT been easy...So anyway, back to the pictures!
SNOW! Puppy's FIRST Snowfall! Pumpkin Pancakes (GF, will post recipe soon!), Halloween Bento!
We scrapbooked as a means of keeping happy and not killing one another, since we were cooped up for a whole week together! :)
We also watched way more T.V. than we EVER have, and Duke was not too happy about it. He wanted attention! Oh, and I filled an order, for this GF, Casein free (Vegan) cake. There was a lot of sleeping that went on last week as well, but alas, no pictures of that! haha
What did YOU do last week?
Linking to:

Thanks so much for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday!