Woohooooo! I just made out like a bandit! :) It was half off week at my local thrift store, so my fav shopping partner and I went to town! No, literally, we went into town, since we live on the outskirts of it. hehe- Wunkie, my soon-to-be 5yr old PRINCESS, found a cute tea set with a price tag of only $5!
I have been on the hunt for a wooden tray after seeing so many tray re-dos on all of my favorite blogs! I found more than a tray. ::sheepish smile::
I know, the pictures are awful! But would you believe I can't find my camera charger? So crappy cell phone pictures it is. Ughhhh... I'm excited to get started! I'll likely begin with the other tray I found!
I'll probably be using the good ol' Modge Podge and some scrapbook paper! Oh! I almost forgot the best part! I also scooped up this cute console table for only FIVE DOLLARS!
The total cost for all of my finds: 15USD! THAT'S RIGHT! FIFTEEN DOLLARS! Love half off week! WOOHOO! I'd love to hear what deals y'all have found this week! Enjoy your day!! :) I'm going to get started on my tray!
Linking to:
you did have a successful trip! i especially love the trays you snagged...so glad you linked up to the block party!
stuff and nonsense
:) Thanks! I scored pretty big that day! I redid the trays already, just have to post about them. Thank you so much for the comment! :)