Hi, My name is Cynthia, I am a decorator and My blog is called A Button Tufted Life...

My life is centred around this place... Hoop Top House. If you would like the ten cent tour... give a click!
I am so happy to be visiting here at Sweet Song Bird today.
I am sharing my DIY Beachy Buoys project!
I hope you like them!

Living in a coastal town we see great nautical inspired decor... I spied some beachy looking buoys and wanted to try my hand at making some.
I wanted to use what we had available.
We had some cedar logs in the backyard so that's what we started with.

Kent, my handsome hubby cut the logs with a chain saw, first he cut the point then shaped the sides to a rough square. ( I would like to take this time to say that at no point did I touch the chain saw...anyone that knows me realizes the logic of this decision, enough said.)
Then he cut to length. We went with about 15-18 inches.
Random is the key, you don't want them to look too perfect.

We painted the rough surface with a good primer, then gave them a coat of white paint.
After that I freehand painted the stripes. I didn't worry about being to neat, it looks more interesting and folky that way.

Kent drilled a hole big enough to put a 1/2" rope through. ( no, I did not touch the drill either! )

After the stripes were good and dry we sanded back some of the paint exposing areas of raw wood.
This gave a nice soft worn look to them. You could do this step by hand if you didn't have a palm sander.
Finally we put rope through and tied them off.

I think they are fun, nautical and beachy!

My favorite thing about them is how rough and folky they turned out.

What do you think? Cute? Kitch or crap?

I am so excited for Spring, getting out in the garden... sitting on the patio... How about you? Are you ready for Spring to Spring?
Please pop over and say hi at A Button Tufted Life... I would love to see you there!... and if you like beautiful interiors and DIY then follow along with me on Pinterest or Facebook... we can inspire each other!
Those are so cute. I love them!