Remember a few days back how I mentioned that Pinterest was making me a better mom? Well, it is still working and it's been a couple of weeks now. I just know that I am going to do something stupid to mess it all up, but in the meantime, my children think I am the coolest thing around. This was especially true the day that I told them that I was making them some oobleck to play with.
OOBLECK! Hoo-f'ing-ray.
Now, for those of you who are unfamiliar with the awesome Dr. Suess story of Bartholomew and the Oobleck, you need to Google that right now. I'll wait. Yes, see? My kids were super excited and I was more than a little hesistant. But, there are a couple of key pros to oobleck. 1. It bascially stays together in a ball and cannot be made into shapes, torn apart, or jammed into a mold. 2. It keeps all three kids occupied. 3. It takes up far less room than the 100 cans of Play-Doh I have hanging around my house. Now, this stuff is also sticky and gooey and prone to getting stuck in hair or on clothes, but you can't have everything.
The orginal pin on Pinterest made this "homemade slime" look incredibly easy and perfect. HA! It is easy, but it is also easy to get wrong. Here's what you need to get started:
1 cup liquid starch
1 cup clear school glue
Plastic containers with lids
Food coloring

Now I had trouble finding clear glue, but that could be because I live in the woods. All the glue was white. I have no idea if you could make this stuff with white glue. I probably should have tried for the integrity of this post. Damn. Well, anyway. Mix the liquid starch and the glue together in a bowl.
I had a 3-year old special assistant on this one, so arming her with a cup full of glue was a daunting thought.

Little Miss Fancy Pants got to add the food coloring which made her very happy!

More wine chugged....
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