
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

EVEY? In The Bloglight?! YES!

Hi y'all! I'm literally jumping up and down with joy today! (Yes, I paused typing long enough to jump!)  Why?! Hometalk decided that lil' ol' me should be in the BLOGLIGHT today!! In case you have been living under a rock (trust me, it happens) Hometalk is this AMAZING online community where anyone can ask questions, post answers, share projects with peers, experts, and DIY Bloggers just like me! (Ok, more experienced than me, really!)  You don't even have to blog be a part of it, y'all! (This is the part where you open a new tab to, but wait until you are done reading here to open an account!)

Gosh, I ramble, don't I?! Usually, it's about food, or GF Living, or baked goods, but TODAY, it's about ME! :) Sorry if you were expecting something else.  (No, I'm not.)

Nov. 2012

In case you are recently new here, or visiting here for the first time ever, my name is Evey!  It's actually Evelin, though I prefer to be called by my nickname.  I blog here with my sweet friend and "biz-partner-in-crime" Erika of E's Delights.

Evey and Erika Summer 2012

I am married, mother of three and I LOVE to bake, sew and write!  Fun Evey Fact: I was 18 when I got married! YES! 18!! I'll be 30 in January and I'm still married! Woohoooo!  You can say I heart him very much!
I was 18, y'all! He was only 21! :)

Another thing you may or may not know about me, is that I have battled Rheumatoid Arthritis most of my life.  It is not easy, but has given me strength and endurance like you would NOT believe!  Which leads me to another aspect of my life that has taught me A LOT of patience: my sweet Aspieboy!  Becoming a mother at 19 to Jay was no easy feat, giving birth to an autistic child less than two years later was even more difficult.  He is such an amazing boy, though!  I've written more about him HERE. Thankfully, my Wunkie princess, though feisty, was easier to handle than the other two. ;) Partially because I was finally a real adult, and also because she is just super independent! She's a diva!  Check out her insane birthday parties HERE and HERE.


Anyways, I'm so glad you have joined me here today! Here are some questions the awesome people over at Hometalk asked me!

How did you first get into blogging? 
 Well, to be honest, I have a very special bloggy friend to thank! I've said it before but I can never thank her enough! Ms. Natalie of A Turtle's Life for Me gave me the confidence to put all my ideas down in one place! I followed many blogs for a long time, but hers especially! One day she posted a picture of what her kitchen looked like after a baking order, and I commented on how mine looked like that at that very moment. She asked to see my cakes and my projects and sent me a Facebook friend request. I was psyched! She then suggested I should blog, which I'm pretty sure she did just to be nice! :) So a year and change later, HERE I AM!

How did you decide on the name of your blog?

       I tell that story HERE in the very beginning part of the post!

 Is blogging something you do on the side, or is it a full-time job for you? What did/do you do for a living? 

Blogging is a side gig for me. Though my journey to where I am now was a pretty crazy one, 
I now proudly call myself a small business owner. I am the owner and creator of
Evey's Creations- a company that specializes in Allergen-safe baked goods, party planning, 
and custom gifts. First and foremost, however, I am a mommy to three GORGEOUS kiddies 
who are my entire WORLD!
Easter 2012
From left to right: Jay (10), Wunkie (6) and Aspieboy (8)
Which project has brought you the most traffic to-date?

That would have to be my "DIY Supergirl Costume- No Sew"! I think it has to do more with the 
super cute model than with my then lackadaisical tutorial skills! ;)  Ain't she cute?! It also helped
that the awesome Ms. Cheri featured it a couple times!

What do your friends and family think about your blog? Do they read all of your updates? How has blogging changed you?

I'm actually not too sure if much of my family, in fact, reads my blog. I know there are a 
few specific ones in Guatemala (where I was born) that follow it, but in the states, there 
aren't many. My hubby does NOT read it. Funny, right?! I think I prefer it that way. He knows 
I'm crazy, and he gets all of me in real life. Blogging has made me FORCE myself to be 
more organized, though I'm still working on it. Truth is I'm a total scatterbrain, and I have a 
really hard time being organized! I'm still learning along the way. I know I have to work 
on getting actual posts up more frequently! I do a million projects, even photograph them, 
but getting them in a post is always a challenge for me! Erika tries to get one post up weekly
and I try to do two. We are still getting it together!
What are your top 5 favorite home&garden/DIY websites or blogs that you would suggest to those of us looking for new inspiration?

I answered this HEREFeel free to skip to the very end for my bloggy idols! ;)

What advice could you give to other bloggers that you wish you had known before you started blogging?
Though extremely rewarding, amazing, and FUN, blogging TAKES A LOT OF TIME, EFFORT, AND WORK! REAL WORK!!! I had no idea what I was getting myself into!  That said, I wouldn't change it for the WORLD!  I have met so many amazing individuals that make my world better on a daily basis!  I am constantly being inspired and I have formed GENUINE bonds with many women that I never would have gotten to know in my everyday world! 

THANK you for hanging out with me today, y'all!  A BIG THANK YOU to Miriam and to HOMETALK!  I am so incredibly lucky to get to be a part of such an amazing community!  I have written a few other posts about me and even made a few vlogs in the past! If you feel inclined to, check them out!  I'll post the links below!

Owner/Creator, Evey's Creations

Tel: 201-281-6696
Twitter: @EveysCreations
Instagram: @EveysCreations

LINKS to more posts about ME:

-About Evey
-25 Evey Things
-Vlog: Take Two
-25 Evey Things: Take Two


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your story, Evey! I'm so very happy for you and kudos to Hometalk for featuring YOU!

  2. You are one of the prettiest bride's i've ever seen! just sayin..:) Thank you for sharing, Evey!!

  3. Evey - your kids are gorgeous & you were a beautiful bride! Thanks for sharing - so nice to learn a little bit more about you!

  4. Evey my girl, you are top notch in my book! Why? Because, besides being uber talented and an asset to the blogging community, you are one of the sweetest, funniest and genuine people I've gotten to know online! You are a a beautiful person, of course outside, but most importantly inside! A perfect choice to highlight and I'm honored to get to do this blogging thing alongside people like you! Have a lovely Thanksgiving!


  5. Oh, Evey this was so wonderful!!! We just think you are the best and it was so fun learning more about you...which of course makes us like you even more. :-) So glad you shared your story with us and we pray you have a truly wonderful Thanksgiving!

  6. So nice to learn more about you, Evey! Such a sweet, beautiful family! And I love the supergal costume, too! :)

  7. Evey, I'm so glad that you were featured today because reading this helped me get to know you better. I am just in awe of you for being able to run your own business, have 3 children, and blog, too! AMAZING! Blogging is hard and I don't have those kinds of responsibilities so my hat is off to you! May you and yours have a happy Thanksgiving!

  8. So nice to get to know more of you Evey! Your kiddos are soooo adorable! Such a lovely family. Thanks for sharing YOU! :)

  9. Evey EEEEEEE! you are so stinkin' cute gosh I could squeeze the bee-geezies outta ya! I loved reading about I just want to meet ya! :) Someday! xoxox Jen

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Evey!!!! Congratulation on this SPOTLIGHT! Very well deserved, you stand out! Always friendly, and funny too. Now I feel as though I know you better. Your family is beautiful, and you can see the love in the photos. God bless you, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. XO ~ Julie

  12. So great to hear your blogging story and see your precious family! You are all too cute for words!

  13. Well deserved spotlight Evey!!! Loved learning more about you! But how is it possible you haven't aged one single bit in any of your pictures over the years? LOL Love you!!

  14. I enjoyed reading your story and learning a bit about you! You're children are so cute! I have an Aspie son too. Congratulations on your spotlight!

  15. So nice to get to know you better Evey!! Congrats on being in the bloglight, happy Thanksgiving!

  16. Evey this was SO fun! I loved learning more about you, lady. :) Especially since we are already official FB friends, so it was about time. haha! Congrats on being "in the bloglight!"

  17. I love your happy energy, Evey! It was nice to get to know a little more about you. Your children are beautiful!

  18. What a great post! I love your spirit and the love you show for your family through what you write. Am visiting from blogtalk! Congrats!

  19. Awww...I love your story girl. You are so cute and your kids...well, can I say they are even cuter:) Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  20. Thanks for sharing, it's always neat to get to know bloggers more. :) You have a beautiful family! I got married young too, my husband and I were 18 and 20.

  21. Congratulations Evey! Your blog is wonderful and its so great getting to know more about you! 18 when you got married? Wow Congrats on that too! - Jacque

  22. Congratulations Evey! Good to know about you, your family and your blogging journey!

  23. Congratulations on your nice to "meet" you :) Thanks for your sweet comments!! Have a great week! Laurel

  24. Okay, I'm late to this party ... but what a fabulous story! You are a strong, beautiful, and fabulously patient and loving mother ... a true inspiration even to your elders (like me) out here in the blog world!




Hello! I LOVE comments! I try to get back to each one individually, especially when it's a question! If for whatever reason I don't, please always feel free to email me your questions and I will always write back!