
Monday, June 3, 2013

Rehash that Trash- Blogger Showdown

WORD. That title says "Blogger Showdown"!  It's on like Donkey Kong, y'all! :)

I have this friend named De.  I like her lots.  She gets my quirky humor, understands when I get distracted while trying to get a point across, heck, she even knows when I'm ready to flip out and calls me on it immediately! :)

Awhile back she shared some news about getting "discovered" and how psyched we both were! Alas, the stars did not quite align the way we thought they would and so we have decided to have our very own version of said show RIGHT HERE ON OUR BLOGS! :)

Rehash That Trash

Here's what's going to happen. Instead of two teams, we are going to put our skills to the test and face off AGAINST EACH OTHER on (3) DIY projects. Each week, we'll post both project reveals on our blogs and leave it up to ya'll to decide who gets the ultimate trash talking rights. Will there be 5k up for grabs? Not exactly. Will the world get to see our awesome faces on their flatscreens? Perhaps not.  (That in itself is a real tragedy, but what are you gonna do, right?!)  So here ya go:

The Contestants
Evey headshot ~vs~ Dee headshot
The Trash List
The Schedule
-June 10 - Project 1 Reveal
-June 17 Project 2 Reveal 
-June 24 Project 3 Reveal
-July 1 - Winner Reveal

The Fans
There are a bunch of ways for you to join in the fun. First, follow along on social media for 'in progress' photos, to offer comments/suggestions or chime in for moral support. Second, join the challenge by linking up your 'trash list' project too (via blog link, social media link, direct photo, etc.). Lastly, VOTE! You'll pick who wins afterall. Following each project reveal you'll leave a comment and tell us which is your favorite piece. Before the next reveal post the votes will be tallied by an independent party (or one of our husbands or something official like that). After all projects are revealed a final tally of post comments will determine the winner!
Here is how to find us around the web:

Remember, since the votes are based on reader voting any amount of sweet talking, blackmailing and/or coaxing of our friends and family is fair game!
The Stakes
The loser first runner up will pick up the tab for dinner at the restaurant of the Winner's choosing. The Winner will receive also the coveted honor of right-of-first-refusal for any and all photos taken/posted online for the entire night. Both contestants walk away with awesome memories and three - count 'em THREE - completed projects. That's already a win in my book.
In other words, I need to make sure I win so I have nothing to be blackmailed for! :) I'm READY, Game on, babbbyyy!!

Owner/Creator, Evey's Creations

Tel: 201-281-6696
Twitter: @EveysCreations
Instagram: @EveysCreations


Hello! I LOVE comments! I try to get back to each one individually, especially when it's a question! If for whatever reason I don't, please always feel free to email me your questions and I will always write back!