
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Fall Sign Tutorial

Hey y'all! Who loves Fall? I DO! It's actually my favorite time of the year. Here's a fun fall-inspired sign and if you are still with me at the end, I'll maybe even have the free file for you! ;)

My bloggy buddies and I have once again joined forces to bring you 14 Home Decor Projects, I figured I'd kick off Fall with my project, but make sure you check out all of the other awesome ones for more project inspiration. The projects are listed at the bottom of my post, just click on each name and it will take you to each blog!
Since it's officially Pumpkin Spice Latte season, I thought I'd share this fun tutorial!

**Though I was compensated for this post in product and/or monetarily, all opinions, ideas and comments are 100% my own. Please note: this post may also contain affiliate links.**

I actually designed this sign a few years back for a Home Show Make it Take it Workshop, but I thought I'd share the project supplies list and file (free!) with you guys now!

For this project you will need the following:
First, sand, clean and stain your board and allow it to fully dry. Once it's dry, hit it with some of the spray lacquer listed above. To make a stencil, simply cut out your vinyl and instead of removing the background when you weed it, remove the letters, leaving the background and making sure to leave the letter centers. Use some transfer tape to transfer your stencil onto your board. Make sure to burnish your stencil before adding your paint so as to not get any bleed through. To get the ombre look, just pour out some paint/stain onto your palette in an ombre look and drag your foam brush straight across it to get the effect. Make sure to remove your stencil while the paint is still partially wet so as to not lift it.

Alternatively, you can stain or paint the board and use vinyl for the lettering like these gals did at the Home Show:

Either method looks great! Just make sure if you're going the colorful board and vinyl route, that you seal your Unicorn SPiT before adding your letters. You can do this by giving a quick spray with the lacquer I listed above, making sure it's fully dry before adding the letters using transfer tape or it might lift up your stain or paint. I personally love both looks but went for the stained board in a dark walnut, then lacquer, then the stencil and paint.

As promised, here's the file in jpg format...just right click, save to your drive, then open up Design Space and upload it. You can find a video and post on how to import your own designs into DS HERE.

Tell me, have you had a Pumpkin Spice Latte this season already? I will let in on a little secret...I don't drink coffee! I KNOW! IT'S CRAZY, BUT I DON'T! I'm a Tea girl. Tea is life. ;)

Don't forget to check out the other 13 posts and visit my bloggy friends.
Here's that list:

Happy Fall, y'all!

  Image HTML map generator

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