
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Giving Thanks and Rejoicing in EVERYTHING

For days, I have started and re-started this post in my and out of consciousness, but it was there.  Today is Thanksgiving day.

Ordinarily, I would have been baking up a storm in the days leading up, and today, I would have been finishing up all the sides that are my annual responsibility. But today, I write this from bed, not able to hold my own weight up long enough to stand, with over 25 wires attached to my head and chest, and with my wheelchair nearby...BUT I AM ALIVE. Alive.  A couple of weeks ago, I doubted that I would even make it to Thanksgiving Day.  Today, I have a million reasons for which to be thankful, beginning with the fact that I got to kiss my kids good morning. 

I thank each and everyone of you for all of your prayers, well wishes, warm thoughts and constant support.  It has meant the world to me.  I am  happy to say that I am home with my family.  Though I am still bedridden and hooked up to a gazillion wires and machines, I am home! :)

My diagnosis is Addison's Disease which means my adrenals have failed and are no longer making cortisol or adrenaline.  I am still unable to stand upright without passing out due to the dysautonomia that has come along with the Addison's.  I haven't seized in a few days, though, and I am finally absorbing the synthetic version of the hormones and steroids, something we didn't think was possible just a few days ago.  God is good and I am extremely thankful this Thanksgiving!

Tonight, when you give thanks around the table, remember just how fragile life truly is, but also how incredibly rich it is when you are surrounded by those that love you. I know that's exactly what will be going through my mind. 

Owner/Creator, Evey's Creations

Tel: 201-281-6696
Twitter: @EveysCreations
Instagram: @EveysCreations


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! You are brave and very inspirational! Thank-you for sharing your wisdom! Every day is a gift, thank-you for that reminder! xoxo Positive and strength vibes being sent to you! <3

  2. Sending you and your family prayers! God bless, Tina

  3. I love you so very , very much sweet girl and pray for you daily. You are such a bright spot in this world! Thank you for being you...

  4. So happy to hear your home and that your are doing a little better. Praying for your continued improvement and I hope you have a wonderful day with your family. Hang in there sweet girl. Luv You, Karen

  5. I am so very sorry and have been praying for you.. My mother in law was diagnosed over 20 years ago with this awful disease, she is able to keep it under control. Please let me know if you have questions or if there is anything we can do for you...Thinking of you, I know this is hard. love and hugs!

  6. So, so sorry you are going through this Evey! I'm lifting you up in prayer to our sovereign God!

  7. How very strong you are…My thoughts & prayers are with you.

  8. happy you're home for gobble gobble day! enjoy your family. lots of love and hugs and always.. prayers. :)
    - cookie

  9. I've got tears in my eyes reading this. You are in my thoughts, prayers and my heart, dear friend.

  10. Evey, just saw this via Blogtalk. What can I say - you are a force to be reckoned with! So amazed and inspired by your strength and perseverance. Proud to be your friend! xo


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