
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Repurposed Dry Erase Board

Hi y'all! A while ago, I won some fabric on my awesome friend, Hilani's blog! I knew the colors were PERFECT for something in Wunkie's room since they match so perfectly in there!  I wasn't sure what to make, though.  Then, while I was cleaning her room the other day, I came across this dry erase board below.  Yes, the picture quality is awful!  I was so hit with inspiration I took a cell phone pic in the dark! (It was almost bedtime.)

You can't really tell in the picture, but this thing had seen better days.  It had quite a few dents and it really didn't match the decor in the bedroom.  I had only bought it because Wunkie kept writing on MY dry erase board and erasing important notes that I had left for myself!  Thankfully, she quickly lost interest and has since stopped doing that or even using this one. So I took my giveaway fabric and recovered the dry erase board to use as a magnet board for Wunkie's room!

I embellished it with some leftover ribbon from another project (hot glued on), and some baker's twine.

I even let her have some of my pretty magnets! :)

She's very happy with the finished product, and if Wunkie is happy, I am happy. (Otherwise she whines, which drives me INSANE!)

Isn't it sweet!?

Owner/Creator, Evey's Creations

Tel: 201-281-6696
Twitter: @EveysCreations
Instagram: @EveysCreations

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  1. So glad Wunkie (and you) are happy!!! lol. This turned out adorable and every little girl needs a place to put up little scraps and photos that they want to keep. :)

    1. :) thank you so much Sherry! xo You are the BEST! Up on it, she currently has a picture of her and her best friend, a drawing and a card. :)


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