
Sunday, May 13, 2012

What it means to be a Mom...

What it means to be a Mom...

To love, to be loved, to know in your heart you have a song...
To remember your own mother, if you were lucky enough to have one,
To try to become her, and sometimes try avoid just that...

To be willing to drop every thing in order to serve,
To give your all, yourself, your time, your heart and world,
To a tiny little hand or tiny little whole world changed when they looked into mine...

To understand bits of sentences, while tears flow out,
To know what they need in that EXACT second, or hold them and not know it all...
To catch yourself staring into space wondering if they're willing to let go when you just want to hold on with all you've got...

I guess it just means to give it your best, knowing at times you will fail...
but guess what?  As far as they're concerned you're doing just fine!

by: Evelin Alvarez-Flores

Happy Mother's Day to all who know exactly what it's like! ;)

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